Home » » Mekong River Dolphin
Nowadays the river Dolphin of which there are around 100 largely lives in Kratie Province about 315km at the most north of Phnom Penh City and Steong Treng Province which about 455km at the most north of Phnom Penh City. Both Provinces can assess through to national road number 7 and Road number 13 by the cars or buses. 

Dolphin is the name of a group of animal closely related to whales and porpoises.  dolphins are animals, not fish. they feed their babies bu milk that is produced in the mother's body. Dolphin has lungs and warm blood. Their body temperature always stays about the same. The dolphin's body length is normally 2m or 2.5m and 180kg in weight. 

Dolphin can live from 20 to 40 years old and eat small fish, snails, and shellfish as food. They can swim at about 42km per hour and hold their breath for 5 to 10 minutes.  They can dive to deep around 300m. Most dolphins mate in summer. The pregnancy period lasts for 10 or 12 months. The female almost always gives the birth for a day, called a calf, once every 2years between June and August a newborn dolphin is a 1m length and one fifth of the normal dolphin in weight. The dolphins, which have similar characteristics to human, always smile pleasantly at guests. Tourist can see Mekong River Dolphins that have characteristics distinct from the sea dolphin. 

Source: MOT

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